The Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP), created in 2005 by the French National Research Centre and the Sciences-Po foundation and supported by several French and international organizations, provides a useful data bank available both on-line and on-site. The collected data are primary data from surveys, researches and studies conducted by the Sciences-Po staff or by partner institutions. Partner of the European archives CESSDA and ICPSR and affiliated with the ZA in Germany the CDSP website gives also access to relevant surveys like Eurobarometer and the European Social Surveys. The three main CDSP topics are the French elections, the French surveys and the international surveys. Some data are directly available online by the CDSP pages, others are accessible via the Nesstar software after a free registration, others are retrievable by accessing the partners’ institutions websites. All data and surveys are given with detailed metadata and careful methodological explanations. The website is in French but some pages are partially available also in English. Files and data can be both downloaded in several statistic or html formats and elaborated for secondary analysis. Indirectly available data are provided through links to specific pages of the partner institutions. Access is completely open and free for all users.
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