The E-democracy center is devoted to the interdisciplinary study of e-democracy, focusing on how new information and communication technologies (ICTs) are interacting with democratic institutions of governance and on the outcomes that result from this interaction. With support of other research institutes, such as the European University Institute, the Oxford Internet Institute and the University of Geneva, the center provides a forum for developing new research tools and launching projects on new technologies. Its website provides info about the center’s activities and on upcoming events of interest to scholars devoted to e-democracy. In particular, the e-Democracy website provides full-text papers and research reports as well as working papers in pdf format. Digital books are offered only with descriptions and tables of contents. This website is built on a simple linking architecture and offers also external connections to pertinent web-resources. Despite the absence of any search engine, material location and retrieval is extremely easy and users can retrieve records by browsing efficient and clear directories. By offering a self-intuitive content organization and an immediate understandable structure, the e-democracy center’s website represents an useful tool for political scientists interested in internet studies.
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