In application of its permanent mandate to help victims of conflicts and internal violence worldwide, the portal of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) provides a useful, up-to-date and comprehensive snapshot of war-related current events and the humanitarian situation around the world, along with detailed news about its many activities and projects. The main homepage section offers fresh reports from and about on-going conflicts, displaying latest news, publications, events, also including several multimedia (and streaming) files. Also prominently displayed are a series of several quick links, pointing both to internal and external resources (from The Geneva Convention and other treaties to services, film and photos), an interactive world map, and a few top-down menus for quick subject or country finder. The site interface and its most relevant items are provided in a total of six different languages, with a keyword-based and also an advanced search facility, and a printer-friendly option for each webpage. The entire site content is fully open to the public, under a well-structured layout and a professional design that enable an easy navigation for any user. Further help is provided by a sitemap, an index and useful dynamic features.
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