iPOLL is a comprehensive, up-to-date source for US nationwide public opinion polls gathered from academic, commercial and media sources (from Gallup to Newsweek to Pew Research). This database offers a wide array of resources to scholars and professionals, at a fair updating rate for related news and data. A full-text retrieval system is organized at the question-level providing the tools to sift through nearly 400,000 questions asked on national public opinion surveys since 1935. iPOLL’s collection includes also thousands of polls taken in some 70 countries and is regularly adding U.S. and International survey data, thus offering a complete collection of public opinion information – mostly targeting experts and professionals. Access to iPoll is on a paid subscription basis (free trial included), yet rich-in-text material is freely available, such as abstracts of National Election Polls, National and State Exit Polls, study documentation and some Roper’s publications. In general, the database has a professional and user-friendly approach throughout its many areas, providing a good overview of today’s public opinion polls.
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